Rise up this mornin',
Smiled with the risin' sun,
Three little birds
Pitch by my doorstep
Singin' sweet songs
Of melodies pure and true,
Sayin', ("This is my message to you-ou-ou:")
Singin': "Don't worry 'bout a thing,
'Cause every little thing gonna be all right."
Bob Marley knew what he was talking about. No matter what happens, every little thing is gonna be alright.
I have some pretty crazy questions at the moment. Questions that I am not sure how to ask, questions that I am not sure who could answer, questions that I don't even know are worth asking. But questions still they are. And unanswered questions are just as annoying as mosquitoes.
There are days when I find myelf losing all patience with humanity. I get so irritated by people that treat others as if they are inferior, as if everyone else was placed on this earth to serve them. Why don't you put on someone elses shoes if only for one day. Just try it. Take 5 minutes to listen to someone that just needs to talk. Smile at the stranger on the street. Give that homeless man five bucks and don't think about what he will do with it, but instead be happy that you were able to help someone who needed it more than you.
The last few weeks I have learned a lot about loving other people. It all started a few weeks ago with a church sermon. I learned, probably for the 100th time in my life, that it is impossible to love God and to hate your brother (sister). IMPOSSIBLE. You cannot claim to love God, yet have hate in your heart towards another person.
I don't remember if it was before or after I heard that sermon, but at some point, I got my first tattoo. There was a bit of controversy about it within my circle of friends and family, but I got it nonetheless. It's simple, just on the inside of my left wrist, and it just says Love Wins. Nothing extravagant, but the artwork is beautiful and I am in love with it. This is something I have always lived by before, but now it has a whole new meaning to me.
Today at church, the guy up front that always seems to have the microphone, talked more about love. There was one verse in particular that I read and just fell in love with (you can never be in love with too many things, by the way). It just said "Anyone who doesn't love is as good as dead". THAT'S HOW IMPORTANT LOVE IS. The most important.
Anyways, the point of today's ramblings is the same as I have always told you.... just Love. No matter what. No matter when. No matter hoe awful the circumstances are. It can be the easiest and the hardest thing you will ever do. But I promise you, it will always be the best decision you have ever made.
–noun,plural-nies. a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
I Don't Know As Much As I Thought I Did Back In Highschool...
I just got done with my second journalism class this semester, and I have a confession to make: I have learned more in the last 2 class sessions than I ever did in school. Typical, I guess. I mean, this is COLLEGE after all.
I've been studying and analyzing the first amendment in the Constitution lately. It's amazing. The first 5 words of the first amendment are the most importantt: CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW....
Of course, you have to read the rest to figure out what Congress cannot do. 1) Congress cannot force any one religion on you. 2) Congress cannot take away your freedom of speech or press. 3) Congress cannot take away the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
And all this time I thought the government ruled my life. My mind is running pretty fast tonight from the high I got from this last class. Professors always say that when a teenager is in their first semester of college and they begin to learn how the world REALLY works- what really happened when Columbus landed in the West Indies, what REALLY happened when settlers pushed the Indians off their land and why young people protested Vietnam so adamantly- they say that these freshman kids want to go out and radically change the world in a day. Which is so true. However, I am 22 years old, I have gone through my fair share of college, and I still want to go out and change the world. I can't seem to come down from that.
I realize that I have not posted in a while, and I am sure you want an update more than a lesson in journalism, or history, or whatever. But it was on my mind... and you know how I get when I have somethin' on my mind.
I hope to be able to sit down and write a lot more as my journalism class progresses. As for now, I am extremely exhausted, so here is a short synopsis of my exciting life:
I work one job between to locations (lots of driving!), I go to open mic nights with my man on Monday and Thursday nights; right now I have my Journalism class on Wednesday nights and pretty soon I will have Political Science on Tuesday nights; I relax on the weekends and perfect my Mariokart skills with Donnie, and I have started watching 60 minutes on Sunday nights.
That just about sums it up. I am loving life right now, and I hope this blog finds you the same.
I've been studying and analyzing the first amendment in the Constitution lately. It's amazing. The first 5 words of the first amendment are the most importantt: CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW....
Of course, you have to read the rest to figure out what Congress cannot do. 1) Congress cannot force any one religion on you. 2) Congress cannot take away your freedom of speech or press. 3) Congress cannot take away the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
And all this time I thought the government ruled my life. My mind is running pretty fast tonight from the high I got from this last class. Professors always say that when a teenager is in their first semester of college and they begin to learn how the world REALLY works- what really happened when Columbus landed in the West Indies, what REALLY happened when settlers pushed the Indians off their land and why young people protested Vietnam so adamantly- they say that these freshman kids want to go out and radically change the world in a day. Which is so true. However, I am 22 years old, I have gone through my fair share of college, and I still want to go out and change the world. I can't seem to come down from that.
I realize that I have not posted in a while, and I am sure you want an update more than a lesson in journalism, or history, or whatever. But it was on my mind... and you know how I get when I have somethin' on my mind.
I hope to be able to sit down and write a lot more as my journalism class progresses. As for now, I am extremely exhausted, so here is a short synopsis of my exciting life:
I work one job between to locations (lots of driving!), I go to open mic nights with my man on Monday and Thursday nights; right now I have my Journalism class on Wednesday nights and pretty soon I will have Political Science on Tuesday nights; I relax on the weekends and perfect my Mariokart skills with Donnie, and I have started watching 60 minutes on Sunday nights.
That just about sums it up. I am loving life right now, and I hope this blog finds you the same.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Times, they are a changin'
A good friend once told me that you aren't going to tbe happy all of the time. My first response was that of the ultimate optimist. After I thought about it a little more, I realized that he is right. I am happy with where I am in life right now, but there is always a little something that I wish I could change: my job, my pay, gas prices, where I live, seeing my family, doing what I really want in life, changing my nail color, buying that cute necklace I wanted... There are always little things on my mind.
Today, as well as the rest of the week, my goal is to be happy with whatever I am doing and to free my mind. I am going to focus on what I have, what I do, what I need to do, and I will stop focusing on what I don't have, and what I can't do.
I don't have much to say other than that. Thanks for reading and sticking with me this long. It certainly means a lot to me.
Today, as well as the rest of the week, my goal is to be happy with whatever I am doing and to free my mind. I am going to focus on what I have, what I do, what I need to do, and I will stop focusing on what I don't have, and what I can't do.
I don't have much to say other than that. Thanks for reading and sticking with me this long. It certainly means a lot to me.
Monday, August 2, 2010
California looks good on you...
Thanks Megan. I needed to hear that. It's a funny feeling to go back to a place where you spent your whole life. You know every nook and cranny of the place, yet you are visiting. you're not staying... just stopping in to say hey.
I made my trip home to Alabama a couple weeks ago to visit my friends and family. It was such a wonderful trip! I got to be with my 2 neices and my lil man just about everday! I spent everyday with my mom, got to see my dad play drums and got to see some old friends. The week went by way too fast...
After that, I flew up to Illinois to drive out to California with Donnie. It was a very long road trip, but we had a great time and got to see some AMAZING scenery!
Iowa's sunrise was actually really pretty.
Packed packed packed in so tight.
Colorado = LOVE.
Love my polaroid camera.
Cool trees...
...and pretty flowers.
So Donnie is here for good. We've had lots of fun over the last week :) I am so excited to be hitting the beach soon. Work hours got cut a bit, which kind of sucks but at the same time it's nice to have a little free time. Ross, the other half of The Heroic Charade, is coming to visit in less than 2 weeks and my boy is on cloud nine.
Not too much going on right now... school starts in a few weks and I am actually pretty excited about it. The west coast is pretty mellow these days.
I wanna know how everyone is doing... Send me an email, a text, a banner in the sky... just about anythign will work. :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
God forbid you ever had to walk a day in his shoes...
Everything is dark.
It’s more than you can take.
But you catch a glimpse of sun light.
Shinin', down on your face.
Oh you’re in my veins
And I cannot get you out
Oh you’re all I taste
At night inside of my mouth
Oh you run away
Cause I am not what you found
Oh you’re in my veins
And I cannot get you out.
-Andrew Belle, In My Veins
Starting a blog is intimidating. Every time I sit here to write, I get really intimidated. By what exactly, I am not sure. Fear that my words won't come out right; fear that I won't get my point across- because I am far too talented at rambling; fear that I'll say something wrong, or not in the way that I mean it; or fear that my words won't mean anything. But they always do to me.
It's cold and rainy here today. Just the kind of day I have been waiting for. All I hear on work mornings are "Good morning! Gross day, huh?" And all I ever respond with is "If it were sunny, we'd all want to be at the beach. At least this way we can get some work done." I think some people find it extremely irritating that I can be positive on a cold and rainy day. But I can't seem to help that fact that it reminds me of home. Never thought you would hear me say something good about Alabama, huh? Well, it doesn't happen often, so soak it up.
I have lived in California for almost a full year and I have come to the realization that I am A.D.D. I mean this in the most un-medical way possible (does that make sense?) What I mean is, I was never diagnosed with A.D.D. as a child (my mother may beg to differ) but since moving here, I have realized that with most things that I do in life, with most things that I experience, I get bored too quickly and move on to the next fun thing I can get my hands on. I don't consider this a terrible thing at 22. I guess it's just what the world likes to call "figuring out who you are". Although, not entirely, because I know who I AM, I just want to further my understanding of how to use what I AM in my everyday life. That's a bit trickier.
There are some days when I sit and think of all the good things in my life, and suddenly I am on cloud nine. Some times, I will admit that I get caught up thinking about what I don't have, what I want, what other people have that I envy. This is the part where I throw a shout out to 2 amazing parents for making me sit through boring Sunday school to learn lessons like "Don't envy" "Don't be jealous of your friend because she has the newest, coolest toy and you don't"... things like that.
For the last 22 years, I have been learning patience. And I say the last 22 years because, well, I haven't quite gotten the hang of it. When I get an idea in my head, I have to run with it right then or 3 things could happen: 1) I forget about it the next day; 2) I lose passion for the idea and end up getting mad at myself down the road for not sticking with it, and 3) I fear it won't work out if I don't jump on the opportunity then. But it's taken me a while to realize that sometimes, good things come to those who WAIT. Good lord, waiting is not my forté.
There was this song that me and my brothers loved when we were younger and I don't remember much, but the chorus I remember like it's etched into my brain. HURRY UP AND WAIT. I feel like I do that a lot. Life is like a waiting game sometimes. you just wait... and wait....... and wait................. And sometimes it's really worth it, and other times it's not. But more often than not, the good things come to those who learn to just WAIT.
I guess I say all of that to say: WAIT. don't go through life too quickly. Don't get too A.D.D. with life. Enjoy what you are doing RIGHT NOW, for you may very well not be doing it tomorrow. Make the most of this situation you are in right now, no matter how tough it seems. Things are going to happen in life that aren't fair and you may find yourself saying "God, why me? What next God?" But things in life only last for a season, then before you know it, you are on the other end of it. I'll be honest and say that I have asked God those questions. Why do you hate me? Why are you putting me through this? Did I do something terribly wrong to deserve all of this?
I guess this is where faith comes in.
I learned that instead of saying 'Why me?', 'what next?' that I should just wait. I should wait and say 'Okay God, I know that what is happening is happening for a reason, and I may be a little unclear on that reason right now, so I am just going to wait until you do some magical fireworks to show it to me.' Boy, is that a hard pill to swallow. My impatient self wants to say WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AND WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THAT MY FUTURE PLANS WERE GOING TO DRASTICALLY CHANGE WITHIN A MATTER OF MINUTES??? But I have learned that that type of reaction will end with my medicine cabinet turned inside out looking for more Excedrin.
So I guess what I am trying to say is, just wait. Good things will come to you, but for now, just wait. Just love your life at the current moment. Love the people you surround yourself with. Love the parties you go to and the time you spend with your family. Love like you're getting paid Bill Gates' salary. I promise you, you won't regret it.
It’s more than you can take.
But you catch a glimpse of sun light.
Shinin', down on your face.
Oh you’re in my veins
And I cannot get you out
Oh you’re all I taste
At night inside of my mouth
Oh you run away
Cause I am not what you found
Oh you’re in my veins
And I cannot get you out.
-Andrew Belle, In My Veins
Starting a blog is intimidating. Every time I sit here to write, I get really intimidated. By what exactly, I am not sure. Fear that my words won't come out right; fear that I won't get my point across- because I am far too talented at rambling; fear that I'll say something wrong, or not in the way that I mean it; or fear that my words won't mean anything. But they always do to me.
It's cold and rainy here today. Just the kind of day I have been waiting for. All I hear on work mornings are "Good morning! Gross day, huh?" And all I ever respond with is "If it were sunny, we'd all want to be at the beach. At least this way we can get some work done." I think some people find it extremely irritating that I can be positive on a cold and rainy day. But I can't seem to help that fact that it reminds me of home. Never thought you would hear me say something good about Alabama, huh? Well, it doesn't happen often, so soak it up.
I have lived in California for almost a full year and I have come to the realization that I am A.D.D. I mean this in the most un-medical way possible (does that make sense?) What I mean is, I was never diagnosed with A.D.D. as a child (my mother may beg to differ) but since moving here, I have realized that with most things that I do in life, with most things that I experience, I get bored too quickly and move on to the next fun thing I can get my hands on. I don't consider this a terrible thing at 22. I guess it's just what the world likes to call "figuring out who you are". Although, not entirely, because I know who I AM, I just want to further my understanding of how to use what I AM in my everyday life. That's a bit trickier.
There are some days when I sit and think of all the good things in my life, and suddenly I am on cloud nine. Some times, I will admit that I get caught up thinking about what I don't have, what I want, what other people have that I envy. This is the part where I throw a shout out to 2 amazing parents for making me sit through boring Sunday school to learn lessons like "Don't envy" "Don't be jealous of your friend because she has the newest, coolest toy and you don't"... things like that.
For the last 22 years, I have been learning patience. And I say the last 22 years because, well, I haven't quite gotten the hang of it. When I get an idea in my head, I have to run with it right then or 3 things could happen: 1) I forget about it the next day; 2) I lose passion for the idea and end up getting mad at myself down the road for not sticking with it, and 3) I fear it won't work out if I don't jump on the opportunity then. But it's taken me a while to realize that sometimes, good things come to those who WAIT. Good lord, waiting is not my forté.
There was this song that me and my brothers loved when we were younger and I don't remember much, but the chorus I remember like it's etched into my brain. HURRY UP AND WAIT. I feel like I do that a lot. Life is like a waiting game sometimes. you just wait... and wait....... and wait................. And sometimes it's really worth it, and other times it's not. But more often than not, the good things come to those who learn to just WAIT.
I guess I say all of that to say: WAIT. don't go through life too quickly. Don't get too A.D.D. with life. Enjoy what you are doing RIGHT NOW, for you may very well not be doing it tomorrow. Make the most of this situation you are in right now, no matter how tough it seems. Things are going to happen in life that aren't fair and you may find yourself saying "God, why me? What next God?" But things in life only last for a season, then before you know it, you are on the other end of it. I'll be honest and say that I have asked God those questions. Why do you hate me? Why are you putting me through this? Did I do something terribly wrong to deserve all of this?
I guess this is where faith comes in.
I learned that instead of saying 'Why me?', 'what next?' that I should just wait. I should wait and say 'Okay God, I know that what is happening is happening for a reason, and I may be a little unclear on that reason right now, so I am just going to wait until you do some magical fireworks to show it to me.' Boy, is that a hard pill to swallow. My impatient self wants to say WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AND WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME THAT MY FUTURE PLANS WERE GOING TO DRASTICALLY CHANGE WITHIN A MATTER OF MINUTES??? But I have learned that that type of reaction will end with my medicine cabinet turned inside out looking for more Excedrin.
So I guess what I am trying to say is, just wait. Good things will come to you, but for now, just wait. Just love your life at the current moment. Love the people you surround yourself with. Love the parties you go to and the time you spend with your family. Love like you're getting paid Bill Gates' salary. I promise you, you won't regret it.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
23 Polaris Technology
IT WORKED!!! I don't know why I am amazed that just about anything I do on my phone will find it's way out into the cyber world and into the hands of others in 4 nano-seconds. It's just amazing!
Okay, if you don't already have this album then GET IT NOW. No questions asked. Jimmy Eat World - Futures
Specifically the songs Polaris and 23.
It will change your life!!! I know I say that about every song and all music- but it's true! If you let it, music can change your life!
I feel that when I'm old
I'll look at you and know
The world was beautiful
Then you tell me...
You say that love goes anywhere
In your darkest time, it's just enough to know it's there
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me
Amazing still it seems
I'll be 23
I won't always love what I'll never have
I won't always live in my regrets
You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here I'm now I'm ready
Holding on tight
Don't give away the end
The one thing that stays mine
I'm in love with music all over again.
Okay, if you don't already have this album then GET IT NOW. No questions asked. Jimmy Eat World - Futures
Specifically the songs Polaris and 23.
It will change your life!!! I know I say that about every song and all music- but it's true! If you let it, music can change your life!
I feel that when I'm old
I'll look at you and know
The world was beautiful
Then you tell me...
You say that love goes anywhere
In your darkest time, it's just enough to know it's there
When you go, I'll let you be
But you're killing everything in me
Amazing still it seems
I'll be 23
I won't always love what I'll never have
I won't always live in my regrets
You'll sit alone forever
If you wait for the right time
What are you hoping for?
I'm here I'm now I'm ready
Holding on tight
Don't give away the end
The one thing that stays mine
I'm in love with music all over again.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Sweet Darlin' Puddin' Pie
Time with my man... Always exciting. He flew out this week to get some things in order for his move. And I documented the whole trip :)

So that is basically it! He was here for 4 days (entirely too short) but in 5 weeks he will be here for good, so I cannot complain!
I start a (somewhat) new job soon! But more on that later... when I get all the juicy details!
I leave for Alabama in one month and I am so excited to see family, friends and babies! I hope everyone is enjoying life and laughing lots.
Friday, June 4, 2010
When all else fails...

This morning as I was on my way to work, I was juggling the radio, the A/C, the steering wheel of course and my very full cup of coffee. I managed to make it out of the driveway, out of the neighborhood, over some very bumpy potholes, onto the freeway and all the way to work without spilling coffee one time. Very proud of myself, I made a mental note on how awesome my maneuvering is and a memory came to me: in middle school and high school, when I wasn't with my brother, my Pop would drive me to school in the mornings. Trying our hardest to make it on time, Pop would often juggle a (very full) cup of coffee while driving. Not all that elaborate of a memory, but it made me realize something: I am a lot like my father. It's little quirks like this one that I am proud of. The little things that I do day to day that were influenced by some amazing member of my family. So in a way, this post is dedicated to the 4 most wonderful people in my life.
As for Pop- what to say? In more ways than one, I want to be just like him. He has such an amazing faith in life and all that goes with it. He never wavers. Not once have I seen him question his beliefs. He has always remained strong and has always made sure that my brothers and I were raised in such a way that when we were older, we would know the right way to go, the right things do. When I am in the midst of a tough decision, I can already imagine him saying "Well have you prayed about it?" I aspire to have that kind of faith and I can only pray that one day when I do get married, that my husband will be just like my dad (minus the usual tardiness- Love you dad). I hope I turn out just like him.
When it comes to my mom, other than the fact that we are basically twins, I have learned a lot from her over the years. Mom and I have the same "take charge" personality. We usually won't ask you to do something, because we feel we can do it better ourselves (OCD anyone??) We care more about the general well being of others before our own (not being conceited- it's just the way she is, and if anything I want to inherit from her, it is that quality). We value our friendships like we value our beliefs. My mother is very dependable. I always know that she is there no matter what. If she says she is going to do something- she does it- no questions asked. She has the loudest laugh of anyone I know (besides her sisters, of course) and it has to be the most contagious laugh I have ever witnessed. I hope I turn out just like her (tiny whirlwind and all!)
My oldest brother is amazing. I remember being at his rehearsal dinner for his wedding and one of his best friends got up to say a few nice things about my brother and his wife. He said that my brother has such an amazing spirit of conviction, which is so true. His wife told me once that, when shopping at the grocery store, my brother always takes the buggy (shopping cart, for those not raised in the south) back into the store instead of leaving it outside for someone else to come get. He does not have a mean bone in his body. He has a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. I hope I turn out just like him.
My middle brother.. what to say. We were best friends growing up. We did everything together- including cutting each others hair with Sunday school scissors and dyeing and bleaching each others hair when we got bored with the color. Every summer we would travel to California and spend weeks with our family and when he started driving, he was forced to take me most anywhere I wanted to go. He has grown a lot of the last few years and has turned into an amazing person. He is incredibly talented at what he does, and has such a passion for life. He has gone through some pretty crappy stuff in his life and has always come out a stronger person. I hope I turn out just like him.
There are things that I could say about the rest of my extended family, but these are the people that I have known since day 1. These are the people that have the most influence in my life; the ones that I know will be there no matter what happens in my life; no matter if I make a bad decision that no one agrees with, I know they will be there come hell or high water. I know that families can get a bit crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't trade mine for the world.
Even though I don't act like it sometimes, I love you guys more than anything. You are all my rock. Thank you for never wavering and for being the amazing people that God knew I needed in my life. And most of all, thank you for loving me no matter what.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Roses and Cigarettes
You could run and hide
in the street outside
If you get caught in the rain
just cover what you can
and the rest it washes out like a blood stain
If you get caught in the fire
just think about what made
your heart cry out
for a little fire at all.
So where has all the day gone?
And why are my lungs aching when I breathe?
Is there something wrong with the heat?
Why am I so cold?
And my heart feels sick
And it hurts when I speak
And this is not what I hoped for
-City and Colour
If I told you I thought that there was a sin in your heart
Could you honestly tell me I’m wrong
Oh roses and cigarettes
Pillowcase that remembers you
the scent of you still lingers on my fingertips
Till I think I might go insane
When will I see you again
-Ray Lamontagne
When it's always on your mind
But you never speak of the name
Its in your blood
and your face
And I'm certain its fame
So I'll stay out in the car
Cause the weather had gotten to me
but its really these road signs and freeways that
I can't take
They tell me that you hold the world together
Not from guilt, but pleasure
And you somehow know my name...
So tell me there's nothing that you can't do
And you'll love me though I've hurt you
And that you'll take my blame
And your love will never change
-Dave Barnes
Every morning when I open my Internet Explorer, my home page greets me with a daily devotion of sorts. This morning was about forgiveness. May not mean much to you, but it was like a slap in the face for me (in a good way, of course). What is it about this forgiveness thing? Why is everyone preaching forgiveness? This is what my daily devotion screamed at me from my computer screen this morning:
Through forgiveness, I am free to live a full and joyful life.
If in the course of my day I accumulate resentments, it is like picking up rocks and putting them in my pocket. If I collect the rocks and hold on to them day after day, month after month, I feel the burden grow. When I refuse to let resentments go, I am weighed down by the hurt and anger I carry.
Forgiveness means looking beyond behaviors. Without condoning hurtful actions, I accept that each of us is doing the best we can in that moment. The truth is that we are all children of God and nothing can diminish or change that. As I release the belief that I can lose my good or lose my power, I let go of the negativity weighing me down and I forgive. Freed of resentment, I am ready to love others, to laugh and to live joyfully.
Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone.--Mark 11:25
in the street outside
If you get caught in the rain
just cover what you can
and the rest it washes out like a blood stain
If you get caught in the fire
just think about what made
your heart cry out
for a little fire at all.
So where has all the day gone?
And why are my lungs aching when I breathe?
Is there something wrong with the heat?
Why am I so cold?
And my heart feels sick
And it hurts when I speak
And this is not what I hoped for
-City and Colour
If I told you I thought that there was a sin in your heart
Could you honestly tell me I’m wrong
Oh roses and cigarettes
Pillowcase that remembers you
the scent of you still lingers on my fingertips
Till I think I might go insane
When will I see you again
-Ray Lamontagne
When it's always on your mind
But you never speak of the name
Its in your blood
and your face
And I'm certain its fame
So I'll stay out in the car
Cause the weather had gotten to me
but its really these road signs and freeways that
I can't take
They tell me that you hold the world together
Not from guilt, but pleasure
And you somehow know my name...
So tell me there's nothing that you can't do
And you'll love me though I've hurt you
And that you'll take my blame
And your love will never change
-Dave Barnes
Every morning when I open my Internet Explorer, my home page greets me with a daily devotion of sorts. This morning was about forgiveness. May not mean much to you, but it was like a slap in the face for me (in a good way, of course). What is it about this forgiveness thing? Why is everyone preaching forgiveness? This is what my daily devotion screamed at me from my computer screen this morning:
Through forgiveness, I am free to live a full and joyful life.
If in the course of my day I accumulate resentments, it is like picking up rocks and putting them in my pocket. If I collect the rocks and hold on to them day after day, month after month, I feel the burden grow. When I refuse to let resentments go, I am weighed down by the hurt and anger I carry.
Forgiveness means looking beyond behaviors. Without condoning hurtful actions, I accept that each of us is doing the best we can in that moment. The truth is that we are all children of God and nothing can diminish or change that. As I release the belief that I can lose my good or lose my power, I let go of the negativity weighing me down and I forgive. Freed of resentment, I am ready to love others, to laugh and to live joyfully.
Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone.--Mark 11:25
I think I'm safer in an airplane, than a world without love.
Forgiveness is a funny thing. It truly is. I know that I have done blog posts on forgiveness in the past, and I will try not to say some of the same things that I've said before. Forgiveness is something I struggle with, though it may be hard to tell.
I've been told that I trust people too easily and too quickly. Never before have I thought this was a bad thing. I have this subconscious that tells me that everyone is good.
Carl Rogers, who is considered one of the fathers of the humanistic approach to psychology, had this belief that all people were born innately "good". I don't consider myself a humanist, I guess I just had more faith in the human race than I should have.
So here is my question: what do you do when someone does the unforgivable? What do you do when the last person you ever thought could hurt you, does just that? Half of you wants to forgive and the other half wants to say "get lost, I'm done with you".
If anything in my life makes sense at all, it is love. I love with everything that is in me, and sometimes it gets me into trouble, but more often that not, it brings these wonderful relationships into my life that I can't fathom living another day without. But sometimes, I have a tendency to love too much. Didn't think that was possible, huh? Who knows if it is, or isn't. My point is, I try to love as Christ loved. Unconditionally. However, I am only human and it is impossible for me to love unconditionally. I wish it were possible, but it simply is not. So I do the best I can: I love, I let myself be loved and I forgive in the process.
But now, I am at a crossroads. One side is filled with bright flowers and singing birds and it's telling me to be like Christ and forgive. Daniel 9:9 says "The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him" That is one side of the crossroads. Forgiving those that have done even the unforgivable.
The other side is a little darker and a little scarier looking, but it's saying that sometimes, people hurt you and those are the kinds of people you should not surround yourself with because it will only lead to destruction for yourself. Personally, I have never taken this road. And I mean that in the least conceited way possible. I just don't like to hold grudges. I want everyone to be happy and love each other and get along. I have to check myself everyday and make sure that I am not upset with anyone about anything and that I hold no ill will against anyone for wrongs that they have done to me.
I got to a point over the last year where I forgave Justin for breaking my heart. It was a difficult thing to do, but I did it. It took a long time, but in the long run, I did it because it's what GOD told me to do. And if there is one person, or being, in this world that I trust more than life itself, it's Him.
And so here I stand at this crossroads. Trying to decide whether I should walk slowly down one road, or put on my tennis shoes and take off running in the other direction. Tough decisions are not my forte... I tend to freak out and get someone else to make the decision for me. But I guess it's all a part of being an ADULT. Which is such an unattractive word if you think about it.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Iced Coffee Makes For Some Powerful Brain Activity
I usually don't come up with a title until the very end of my writing. Not that you would know that- but I was trying to think of one just now and decided to wait and see what I would write about first. Not sure what the topic is today- I only know I need to write.
Over the last year of having this blog and updating the world on the adventures of my life since moving to the West Coast, I've wondered if anyone besides me really got anything out of it. I understand that people like to know what is going on in my life and those that are close to me, like to know that I am indeed OKAY and that my heart is okay. It's been a rough process, but you have been with me through it all, whether in person, in your encouraging words, or your anonymity, I know that I have an abundant supply of encouragement and love from my cyber friends.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have gotten a couple of emails from people that have read my blog and stated that it was exaclty what they needed at this point in their lives. Some of them I do not know, some of them I do. This morning I recieved one such email while I was getting ready for work. It could be that I am incredibly emotional this week (you can guess why), or it could be the sudden realization that my writing actually gets out there... whatever the case, it made my heart happy. Happy to know that fate (or God) would cause someone to stumble across my blog and take the time to read it and it turns out to be exactly what they need at this point in their life.
I posted my email address at the end of one of my posts a few months ago for this very reason. It's always a good feeling to write and tell you what's going thru this crazy head of mine, but it's an amazing feeling to know that, not only are people reading this thing, but they are getting something out of it.
Life is throwing these situations at me that I have no clue how to deal with. I'm constantly having to ask for help and guidance - which I guess is pretty typical for a 22 year old... But I feel like I have always had a plan; for the most part I have always had the answers to my questions. I'm not sure if that's called luck or naivety. Either way, I am now dealing with things I have not had to deal with before. I am in the middle of uncharted waters, without a paddle, lacking a life vest and I'm pretty sure the "black smoke" is on his way to get me (Sorry- I had to throw in a LOST reference).
Even though I have a lot of questions right now and no answers in sight, I have an overwhelming peace in my heart. It's not something I can easily describe, but it's a feeling that lets me know that there is nothing to worry about; that things will be okay and whatever questions I have now, will EVENTUALLY be answered, and then I will know what to do and I will be able to move to the next step of this crazy mixed up life.
Lately, I've been experiencing that overwhelming urge to do something, to help someone. It never goes away, it just gets smothered by other things sometimes (finals are over, so of course, it's back!), Now that Summer is gracing us with her warm presence (and not to mention only 59 more days until my boy moves here!!), I have more time on my hands, more time to devote to something I know I need to do. I am excited to see what the next few months will bring.
Not sure if this post makes a lot of sense, but I know that the feeling I had this morning on the way to work, this urge to write, was for someone. Whoever you are, I hope it helps. I hope you realize that while life may seem unfair and it may seem like God is playing some evil trick on you, I promise you there will be answers one day. I can't promise it will be what you WANT to hear, but when you finally do get all of the answers, it will be what you NEED to hear.
Now, if only I could make a living out of this, we could all be happy campers. Until then, please pass the bug spray along to all of your friends and even your mosquitoes.
Over the last year of having this blog and updating the world on the adventures of my life since moving to the West Coast, I've wondered if anyone besides me really got anything out of it. I understand that people like to know what is going on in my life and those that are close to me, like to know that I am indeed OKAY and that my heart is okay. It's been a rough process, but you have been with me through it all, whether in person, in your encouraging words, or your anonymity, I know that I have an abundant supply of encouragement and love from my cyber friends.
Over the last couple of weeks, I have gotten a couple of emails from people that have read my blog and stated that it was exaclty what they needed at this point in their lives. Some of them I do not know, some of them I do. This morning I recieved one such email while I was getting ready for work. It could be that I am incredibly emotional this week (you can guess why), or it could be the sudden realization that my writing actually gets out there... whatever the case, it made my heart happy. Happy to know that fate (or God) would cause someone to stumble across my blog and take the time to read it and it turns out to be exactly what they need at this point in their life.
I posted my email address at the end of one of my posts a few months ago for this very reason. It's always a good feeling to write and tell you what's going thru this crazy head of mine, but it's an amazing feeling to know that, not only are people reading this thing, but they are getting something out of it.
Life is throwing these situations at me that I have no clue how to deal with. I'm constantly having to ask for help and guidance - which I guess is pretty typical for a 22 year old... But I feel like I have always had a plan; for the most part I have always had the answers to my questions. I'm not sure if that's called luck or naivety. Either way, I am now dealing with things I have not had to deal with before. I am in the middle of uncharted waters, without a paddle, lacking a life vest and I'm pretty sure the "black smoke" is on his way to get me (Sorry- I had to throw in a LOST reference).
Even though I have a lot of questions right now and no answers in sight, I have an overwhelming peace in my heart. It's not something I can easily describe, but it's a feeling that lets me know that there is nothing to worry about; that things will be okay and whatever questions I have now, will EVENTUALLY be answered, and then I will know what to do and I will be able to move to the next step of this crazy mixed up life.
Lately, I've been experiencing that overwhelming urge to do something, to help someone. It never goes away, it just gets smothered by other things sometimes (finals are over, so of course, it's back!), Now that Summer is gracing us with her warm presence (and not to mention only 59 more days until my boy moves here!!), I have more time on my hands, more time to devote to something I know I need to do. I am excited to see what the next few months will bring.
Not sure if this post makes a lot of sense, but I know that the feeling I had this morning on the way to work, this urge to write, was for someone. Whoever you are, I hope it helps. I hope you realize that while life may seem unfair and it may seem like God is playing some evil trick on you, I promise you there will be answers one day. I can't promise it will be what you WANT to hear, but when you finally do get all of the answers, it will be what you NEED to hear.
Now, if only I could make a living out of this, we could all be happy campers. Until then, please pass the bug spray along to all of your friends and even your mosquitoes.
Friday, May 21, 2010
This post is for my nieces and nephews... My mom, pop, brothers and sisters love to send me videos and pictures of my babies and I think it's about time you all got to see them too! Besides, they are too cute for you not to see ;)

So those are my babies. I hope you like the pictures! I get to see ALL OF THEM in July and I am couting down the days (57 to be exact)!
As always, I hope everyone is doing good. I haven't had much to write in a while, but I may soon. My dad leaves for Isreal on Sunday, May 23, so keep him in your prayers!
I bought my tickets to go home and then fly up to Illinois to drive back to California with Donnie (63 days ;) )
LOVELOVELOVE to all of you and yours :)
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Girls and Guitars
Blogspot likes to post pictures in reverse order or something... ANYWAYS! Here is Miss Ashlee Wilson! She is a (very talented) singer/songwriter. She does open mics and plays various gigs in South Orange County.
This is after we finished shooting at San Clemente peir- we hung out and she played a few songs for the locals!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Evie Kate and Graham Keith!

Today, May 11, 2010, my very best friend in the whole world, Kayla, had her twins!! Graham Keith is 7lbs 12oz, 20.5 in long, born at 8:35AM and Evie Kate is 5lbs 15oz, 19 in long, born at 8:37!! Both babies are healthy and beautiful! I am so excited for Kayla and Stuart! What an adventure, huh? She has started a blog so that her family and friends can keep up with the twins: The Wootwins
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Walkin' on Moonbeams
Last weekend I made a trip to Illinois to surprise my boy =) Here are the results....

It was a really great trip! His friends were so awesome in helping me plan the suprise for him and all. We got to spend some time with his parents which was great and I got to see him play a show! It was a fantastic trip!
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