Time with my man... Always exciting. He flew out this week to get some things in order for his move. And I documented the whole trip :)

Look at those eyes!

He didn't know I was snappin' away :)

Funny story- Momma kept naggin' me for a 'normal stand up picture'. This one is stand up.... minus normal ;)

During half time of the NBA Finals game we got a free concert!

Didn't get the shot I wanted to here... but I got a better one.

If you have an IPhone, and a passion for photography, get the app "Hipstamatic". I'm in love with it. Obviously!

I was sincerely trying to be normal....

Had pizza at this fabulous place...

Didn't make it for Happy Hour but I'm determined to one day!

I had to make him a map of his 3 main places: my work, Shannon's house, and, of course, the Orange circle :)

Pretty green grass that we laid in and maybe even wrestled in when he threw leaves at me.

My knees got in the picture accidentally, but I loved this large tree we were laying under.
So that is basically it! He was here for 4 days (entirely too short) but in 5 weeks he will be here for good, so I cannot complain!
I start a (somewhat) new job soon! But more on that later... when I get all the juicy details!
I leave for Alabama in one month and I am so excited to see family, friends and babies! I hope everyone is enjoying life and laughing lots.
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