This morning as I was on my way to work, I was juggling the radio, the A/C, the steering wheel of course and my very full cup of coffee. I managed to make it out of the driveway, out of the neighborhood, over some very bumpy potholes, onto the freeway and all the way to work without spilling coffee one time. Very proud of myself, I made a mental note on how awesome my maneuvering is and a memory came to me: in middle school and high school, when I wasn't with my brother, my Pop would drive me to school in the mornings. Trying our hardest to make it on time, Pop would often juggle a (very full) cup of coffee while driving. Not all that elaborate of a memory, but it made me realize something: I am a lot like my father. It's little quirks like this one that I am proud of. The little things that I do day to day that were influenced by some amazing member of my family. So in a way, this post is dedicated to the 4 most wonderful people in my life.
As for Pop- what to say? In more ways than one, I want to be just like him. He has such an amazing faith in life and all that goes with it. He never wavers. Not once have I seen him question his beliefs. He has always remained strong and has always made sure that my brothers and I were raised in such a way that when we were older, we would know the right way to go, the right things do. When I am in the midst of a tough decision, I can already imagine him saying "Well have you prayed about it?" I aspire to have that kind of faith and I can only pray that one day when I do get married, that my husband will be just like my dad (minus the usual tardiness- Love you dad). I hope I turn out just like him.
When it comes to my mom, other than the fact that we are basically twins, I have learned a lot from her over the years. Mom and I have the same "take charge" personality. We usually won't ask you to do something, because we feel we can do it better ourselves (OCD anyone??) We care more about the general well being of others before our own (not being conceited- it's just the way she is, and if anything I want to inherit from her, it is that quality). We value our friendships like we value our beliefs. My mother is very dependable. I always know that she is there no matter what. If she says she is going to do something- she does it- no questions asked. She has the loudest laugh of anyone I know (besides her sisters, of course) and it has to be the most contagious laugh I have ever witnessed. I hope I turn out just like her (tiny whirlwind and all!)
My oldest brother is amazing. I remember being at his rehearsal dinner for his wedding and one of his best friends got up to say a few nice things about my brother and his wife. He said that my brother has such an amazing spirit of conviction, which is so true. His wife told me once that, when shopping at the grocery store, my brother always takes the buggy (shopping cart, for those not raised in the south) back into the store instead of leaving it outside for someone else to come get. He does not have a mean bone in his body. He has a heart of gold and would do anything for anyone. I hope I turn out just like him.
My middle brother.. what to say. We were best friends growing up. We did everything together- including cutting each others hair with Sunday school scissors and dyeing and bleaching each others hair when we got bored with the color. Every summer we would travel to California and spend weeks with our family and when he started driving, he was forced to take me most anywhere I wanted to go. He has grown a lot of the last few years and has turned into an amazing person. He is incredibly talented at what he does, and has such a passion for life. He has gone through some pretty crappy stuff in his life and has always come out a stronger person. I hope I turn out just like him.
There are things that I could say about the rest of my extended family, but these are the people that I have known since day 1. These are the people that have the most influence in my life; the ones that I know will be there no matter what happens in my life; no matter if I make a bad decision that no one agrees with, I know they will be there come hell or high water. I know that families can get a bit crazy sometimes, but I wouldn't trade mine for the world.
Even though I don't act like it sometimes, I love you guys more than anything. You are all my rock. Thank you for never wavering and for being the amazing people that God knew I needed in my life. And most of all, thank you for loving me no matter what.
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