"The reward you get from a story is always less than you thought it would be, and the work is harder than you imagined. The point of a story is never about the ending, remember. It's about your character getting molded in the hard work of the middle."
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Donald Miller
It's time to start living out this story that is my life.
Everyone has their own opinions on how to make a great story. In my opinion, a great story is when you help other people. You be there for the people that need you. You be the kind of person that we were all created to be. The helping, loving, giving, unselfish, unbiased kind of person that lets nothing stand in the way of carrying out the great story that is their life.
I want a story in which I am remembered for the things have done for other people. No matter how difficult or unrealistic this story may seem, I want to live it and I want to live it to it's fullest extent.
So far, my story has taken me through oceans and mountains and forests and cities and every other kind of place where you are forced to evolve and survive and some how come out stronger. In most instances, I have come out on the other end stronger and happier than I was before. As for the other ones.... well I'm still working on those.
But I know that my story does not only belong to me. My story belongs to the starving children in Africa; to the poverty stricken families in South America; to the thousands of teenage girls just looking for someone to care about them. My story belongs to those who want so badly to survive this world that they were placed in, but can't see how that will ever happen.
You are the smell before rain,
You are the blood in my veins,
Call me a safe bet,
I'm betting I'm not.
-Brand New
I am a girl that wants, that NEEDS, so desperately to feel like she has made a difference in someone's life, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to her. A girl that, no matter how much money she makes, or how much college she has under her belt, only feels TRULY satisfied when she is being a servant.
I want to become humble.
I want to see the world through the eyes of a child.
I want to show people that impossible is an opinion.
Impossible is temporary.
Impossible is a dare.
Nothing you want to do, no dream you have, is impossible when you believe in it enough and you have the drive to go after it with everything in you.
I want to express my love, my feelings, my thoughts in a way that never was before. I feel like I need to go on a pilgrimage to find out what it is I need to really push my story forward. But then again, maybe I am on that pilgrimage right now.
Maybe the days, the weeks, the months that I am experiencing now are the ones that will shape me into, not only who I want to be, but who I need to be to survive and come out happier than ever before; the kind of person I need to be to live out this great story that is my life. But then again, maybe these days, weeks and months are only preparing me for another story that is to come. Maybe my story hasn't even started yet.
You may say I'm a dreamer,
But I'm not the only one.
I hope someday you'll join us,
And the world will live as one.
-John Lennon
As for an actual update, things are great here on the West Coast! i started working full time (5 days a week, Mon-Fri, 8:30-5:30). It's really great to have that income and to now have health benefits! My classes are going great as well... I have American Sign Language on Monday nights form 6pm-10pm. My math class is on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7-9:30 So far, I am doing good in both classes and I am really enjoying them (well about as much as one can enjoy linear equations and having to remember 36,276,478 formulas).
Amelia is back home and living (and sleeping) with me until she can find a job and move down to San Diego. Things with the family are going great! I still can't believe Aunt Holly and Uncle Bernie were willing to let me come live with them, with no sort of move out date in mind. They have been so good to me!
I am making a trip out to Illinois in March and I am so excited! It's actually a wild story...
When I was in the 10th grade I took a field trip through Europe and our group was paired up with a group from Illinois. We were there for 10 days, so, naturally, we all became friends. Over the years, I kept up with this guy named Donnie. It's been about 5 or 6 years since that trip, but we got in touch recently when he made a trip out to California to see some friends. Long story short, we picked up right where we left off with our friendship. He is in school out in Illinois and is also in a band.. So over my spring break I am going out to see him and see his band perform. I am SO excited! I need a little break from work and school, and tickets are super cheap these days =)
I pray that every one of you are filled with peace and love on this Valentine's Day. You are all on my mind and on my heart constantly.
I took a faithful leap and packed up all my things,
And all my love,
And gave it to somebody else.
-Ingrid Michaelson
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix

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